
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

D Fish for the win?

As the 2010/2011 season comes to a close I begin to look to Derek Fisher. Not for the normal post season heroics that we have grown accustom to from the veteran point guard. Rather to the man that has the future of next season rest in his hands. Unlike the NFL I truly believe the NBA can and will work out a new CBA that will keep the league from ever reaching lockout status. This may sound ignorant or even slightly naive for someone to say. Why is the NBA any different? After all this won't be the first time the NBA has been locked out.

I'm quite aware of what is probably going to happen, yet I am choosing to approach this topic with a more optimistic mind set. Derek Fisher is not a fool and he of course as I would expect from any good business man or women will do everything in his power to get the best possible deal for the players, however, to get you most give. I have full faith in Fisher's ability to work out a deal that works for both the owners and the players.

I'm sure that what has happens thus far with the NFL has played and will play a hand in what Fish can accomplish. So I say here's to you Derek Fisher, may you keep the players happy but most importantly may you keep the fans happy and get the league up and running by the start time next season.

Julie & Julia

The other day I watched the movie Julie & Julia with my brother. I've never really been a Meryl Streep fan but I have always found cooking shows to be fairly entertaining. To make this even better for me the other star is Amy Adams, enough said. Overall the movie was great. It had its moments that I was not so pleased with but I liked it.

The interesting thing about this film is it has motivated me to write a blog twice now. I started this blog, well after a friend encourage me to write one, however I didn't actually do it until I watched this film for the first time. For me it's quite humorous to see that after I lost my desire to write an unread blog I could find the fire again and write a new post.

Well here I am back on the prawl, pretending I'm a globally read blogger. And yet I still know that in a month or two I'll be more concerned with my schooling then a piece I want to write about on my blog. My goal is that maybe while I'm still focused here I can write some posts that even keep me reading. That's all for now and please feel free to join my blog and become a follower! I've got some great stuff still to come.